Wednesday, August 10, 2011

party in the MTR

I spent eleven epic weeks working in Montreat this summer. It was amazing!!! For the second year in a row I spent my days playing with four and five year olds and my nights relaxing with a crazy group of college students. I joke about "Montreat time" because eleven weeks feels like so much longer in those mountains. It's hard to explain the dynamics of being on summer staff to some one who doesn't know Montreat, but I will try to recap some of my favorite moments.

During the days I worked with this crazy group of people. Ryan, Ashley, Bethany and I tried everything to entertain the clubbies. This is the end of what we call counselor biggie. The kids "make" us do a list of silly things including letting them put gel in our hair, getting priced at the general store and them jumping in the pool with our clothes on. I think this is one activity that I enjoyed more than the kids, but they at least thought it was funny to see us soaking wet.

The fourth of July is probably the busiest day of the year in Montreat. People from all over come to the valley to be with family, celebrate and participate in the days activities. The morning starts with a parade and every clubs group dresses up and marches down the street. This years overall theme for the day was "Montreat Summer Clubs Memories" and our groups dressed as "Montreat Wavers." Montreat wavers is an activity for the younger kids when they make a banner saying "Honk if you love Montreat" and then we try to get cars to honk at us. We wore posters that looked like wavers signs and said things like "Take me to Montreat" and "Beep Beep!!!" Ashley, Bethany and I went as cars. We walked down the street honking little party horns and waving at all the people.

After the parade there are games on Moore field including a hula hoop contest, a water balloon toss, and climbing the greasy pole. Later there is a barn dance on the tennis courts and after I rushed into town with some friends to see fireworks. Montreat is my favorite place to be on the F of J.

Towards the end of the summer a few of us decided to hike Lookout before work one day in order to see the sunrise. We made it to the top really quickly and problem free. On the way back I fell and re-sprained my ankle (which seems to be a pattern for me in Montreat), but we still made it down and to work on time. Despite the minor injury I'm really glad I hiked it. It was a fun way to start the day and it's cool to say I've done it.

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