Friday, August 19, 2011

Carolina, I am home.

Two years ago, on the day, I moved in to UNC for the first time. It was one of the most exciting times ever. As I'm getting ready to go abroad I've been thinking back over the past two years and I've been reminded of how much I LOVE Chapel Hill. I'm excited to go to London but I will really miss Chapel Hill. There just isn't another place quite like it. There is something about the Carolina blue fire trucks and street signs, the uneven bricks and the old trees that creates a feeling like no where else.

Almost all of my good friends are a part of the campus ministry at school. It's great to have such a solid community away from home and I love all of the people and I am happy to be around them. They bring out the best in me and always offer support, fun and random dance parties.

I am spending a weekend in Chapel Hill and I just can't wait. I knew I wouldn't make it from May to January without visiting. It is weird to know that I'm not staying there; I am coming home to prepare for a semester away. I will miss everyone from school while I am gone, but I know that I have a great thing to return to in January. These two years have been amazing and I am excited to see what the last two years will bring me.


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