Thursday, October 6, 2011

it's not our fault. all the good discoveries have been taken.

Last week I got to hang out with the Megan and Katie! It was nice having friends from home here. We explored the British Library, which is absolutely amazing. Shakespeare's notebooks, Jane Austen's writing table, some really old Bibles, original lyrics written by the Beatles, so much awesomeness in one room.

On Sunday we went to Cambridge, and my flatmate Kirsten came with us. It was neat to get out of London and see a British "college town." We took a guided tour through the University area and we gradually heard the stories of many famous discoveries. We saw the place that Watson and Crick announced the discovery of the double helix. We saw Trinity College, where Sir Isaac Newton clapped his hands and listened to the echoes to test the speed of sound. There were many moments where we thought "my life will never be this important." But we then decided that it wasn't our fault. All of the big inventions and discoveries had already been made. We can't help our birth year...

Genius aside, Cambridge was absolutely stunning. We went into the Chapel at Kings College, and I was blown away. The vaults on the ceiling are incredibly. They are fan vaults and they appear to be as delicate as lace. I can't imagine trying to construct that out of stone. Churches just aren't made the same anymore.

Chapel Hill is gorgeous, but the buildings seem to pale in comparison to Kings College, Cambridge. One thing UNC allows that Cambridge doesn't is the ability to walk on the grass. Apparently, only fellows are allowed to walk across the grass and lawns in Cambridge. That rule would never work at UNC. Thank goodness for the quads.

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